Friday 03 January 2020

Bible Book:

] emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross. (vs. 7-8)

Philippians 2:5-11 Friday 3 January 2020

Psalm: Psalm 98:1-3


Today's verses from Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, make up what may have been one of the earliest songs about the incarnation. No one is sure if Paul was the original author of these words (he isn’t known for writing songs) or if they are born out of the life and faith of the early church and borrowed by Paul here.

Whoever created these words they have given us a wonderful image of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The words servant, humbled and obedient remind us that Jesus, though fully God, made the choice to take on flesh and blood and walk among us. It is an unfathomable mystery of Jesus, completely divine and human, coming to set up his home with us. Submitting himself even to death so that we could know forgiveness and the transformative power of his grace.

This servant attitude, humility and obedience is caught up in the next verse by the lifting up and honouring of Jesus Christ. He is exalted and given a name over all names, at which all will bow and humble themselves before.

It is an image of Jesus’ life amongst us but also an encouragement to follow this example. If he became a servant for us then we should become a servant to others. If he humbled himself then we should do similar.  This is Paul’s encouragement to the church in Philippi but also an encouragement to us also.


To Ponder:

  •  Which songs or hymns about Jesus' life are an encouragement to you?
  • What practical steps can we take to humble ourselves?
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