Monday 01 February 2021

Bible Book:

], and turning to the crowd that followed him, he said, ‘I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.' (v. 9)

Luke 7:1-10 Monday 1 February 2021

Psalm 72


Our Bible reading today opens with Jesus teaching the crowds. He had been speaking on different subjects including radical teaching about loving one’s enemies. Then he enters Capernaum which had a population of around 1,500. It had become the headquarters for his ministry. A non-Jewish gentile Roman centurion who had provided money for the Jewish synagogue to be built, sent for some of the Jewish elders. He had a slave for whom he had a high regard who was seriously ill. He asked the elders if they can request Jesus come to heal the slave. Jesus’ reputation as an effective healer had already established itself.

This story indicates the good relationship the Romans could have with local Jews. At this point the Jewish elders seem to be working with and co-operating with Jesus. The centurion approaches Jesus through the elders, perhaps not sure what the protocol of approaching Jesus might be and wanting to get it right. The elders support the centurion’s case with Jesus, suggesting to Jesus that the centurion is worthy because of all the help he has given for the building of the synagogue. Despite his teaching on loving enemies no-one seems sure of what Jesus’s response to someone outside Israel is going to be. It seems that Jesus needed no persuading and came without question with the Jewish leaders. The story then takes an unexpected turn. The centurion says he is not worthy to have Jesus come under his roof. He asks that Jesus simply say the word and he knows his slave will be healed. Jesus is astonished. He is not accustomed to people showing such faith even from within Israel, let alone those outside the chosen people. But the word is said, and it accomplishes its purpose. The slave is healed.

To Ponder:

  • The centurion understands the trustworthiness and effectiveness of a command in a disciplined organisation. In what ways do you or don’t you find this a helpful signpost of faith?
  • What are all the reasons you can think of for why the Jewish elders were co-operating with Jesus at this point?
  • If you had been a member of the centurion’s household would you have become a follower of Jesus?  If so, why? And if not, what are your reasons?
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