Sunday 10 May 2009

Bible Book:

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." (v.5)

John 15:1-8 Sunday 10 May 2009


Jesus constantly explained deep spiritual truths by using imagesdrawn from everyday life. In this passage, Jesus explains therelationship between himself and his followers in terms of agrapevine and its branches.

Every autumn, when I was a boy, I helped my father prune the halfdozen or so apple trees at the bottom of our garden. Very carefullyhe would cut away the old or diseased wood from each tree so thatthe following year there would be new growth and a greater yield ofapples. My job was to gather up the pruned sticks and then, later,when they were dry and lifeless, burn them on a bonfire.

The branches of the tree only remain alive so long as they arejoined to the main trunk and draw its life-giving sap. When cut offand separated they are dead and good only to be burnt. So it iswith Christ.

The key phrase "in me", repeated six times, is crucial tounderstand this short passage. It informs us that being a believeror a disciple of Christ (a Christian) is not fundamentally about'getting religion' but about entering into a relationship - knowingChrist. And Christ in turn leads us to a deeper relationship yet,with the Father (seeJohn 14:6).

It is interesting to reflect that Jesus had little time forreligion and religious people such as the Pharisees. But heconstantly drew people into relationship with himself and thenpointed them to the Father.

Jesus' followers are called to be fruitful. The key to fruitfulnessis the closeness of our relationship to Christ. Fruitfulness isalso enhanced by the Father's involvement in the Christian's life,described by Jesus as 'pruning'.

One way that we live in intimacy with Christ is to focus, imbibeand follow his teaching. The end result of our fruitfulness is thatGod is glorified.

To Ponder

How far would you agree that the Christian lifeis more about relationship than religion?

What do you think is the secret of 'abiding inChrist'?

How, in practise, do you think the Father'prunes'?

What do you think it means to be fruitful?

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