Thursday 10 August 2023

Bible Book:

When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out!’ The dead man came out… (vs 43-44)

John 11:38-44 Thursday 10 August 2023

Psalm 96


Today we continue the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. The timing is now right. After waiting and teaching, after sitting and comforting, Jesus now comes to Lazarus' tomb, and you can almost feel the sense of expectation that surrounded his walk into Bethany. The comments about his tears, the knowledge of what he had previously done in his ministry, his friendship with the family were all hanging around the mourners and family. If the author of John's Gospel had been any sort of novelist, he would have spun out this story for at least three chapters, but we just get a very brief account of what took place. 

The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible tells us that Jesus was again greatly disturbed when he came to the tomb (v.38). This is following on from yesterday’s reading where Jesus was disturbed in spirit while speaking with Mary (v.33). 'Disturbed' is translated from the word ‘embrimáomai’, which in its most literal translation means to snort like an angry horse, although I am not sure I like the idea of Jesus walking around snorting like an angry horse. The word gives us a deeper insight into how Jesus was feeling at that moment. There's a level of frustration, perhaps not the huffing and puffing of a teenager who has been asked to clean their bedroom, but certainly he seems to be a bit exasperated. A few verses earlier Martha was proclaiming that Jesus was the Messiah and that God would give him anything he asked, yet when asked to open the tomb she was the one who was sceptical and mentioned the stench coming from Lazarus' tomb.

His prayer (vs 41-42) has a slightly riled tone: "Father I am just saying these words, because they really don’t get it."

To be honest if I was there, I am 100% certain that I would have been one of those who didn’t get it, despite the signs and miracles that had come before this. Who would have expected a man who had been in the grave for four days to be brought back to life?

And then the miracle of resurrection happens. We finally get to meet Lazarus, the man who has occupied our thoughts for the past few days, the silent man who we hear about, but never hear from.


To Ponder:

  • Our Bible-based hindsight makes it easy to criticise Mary and Martha for their unbelief, but would you have behaved differently had you been there?
  • When have you lacked faith and what was it that brought this to your attention?


Loving Saviour, help us in our moments of weakness and unbelief to put our faith and trust in you. Forgive us our human frailties and weaknesses and help us to walk every step beside you, trusting in your love and power. Amen.

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