Tuesday 08 August 2023

Bible Book:

When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. (v. 17)

John 11:17-27 Tuesday 8 August 2023

Psalm 93


Timing, as the saying goes, is everything. Whether you are a musician, singer, comedian, chef or a sportsperson, if your timing is out then things will not go as they should. Rush and things will be spoilt, take too long and things will be spoilt, but get the timing right and things will be amazing and often awe-inspiring.

John makes it clear that the issue of timing is just as important when you are the Messiah. If Jesus had arrived in Bethany even one day earlier things may have been recorded differently. Lazarus had been dead four days, which long enough to know that death really had taken hold. Rabbi Bar Kappara (who was active around 180-220 AD) taught that for three days the soul would keep returning to the body, thinking that it would go back in, but on the fourth day the decomposing face would change, and then the soul would leave. However, we must be careful: we don’t know if that was the belief in Jesus' day, or even if it was a universal belief, but it does draw our attention to the importance of timing.

Today’s reading brings us a real declaration of faith from Martha who, seemingly impatient to meet with Jesus, rushes out to meet him. During the ensuing conversation she speaks a truth that so many others have been missing. Many people see a rebuke in her opening words (v.21); however, I don’t see the rebuke, I just see an outpouring of grief and a realisation of what Jesus can do. Her declaration of faith continues (v.22) and although it is a genuine faith and belief, there does seem to be a slight flaw – Martha sees Jesus as an intermediary and not as one with God (John 10:30).

Timing is everything and if you rush you can spoil things. It is understandable that when we are faced with a passage, such as the Lazarus story, we rush to the good bits and don’t linger over the difficult parts. This week we are being directed not to rush, and to spend time with the details we would normally skip over. Today we are going to stay with the grief of a woman whose brother has just died, the comfort she gets from being in the presence of Jesus, even when she doesn’t fully understand Jesus’ idea of resurrection timing in relation to Lazarus.


To Ponder:

  • When it comes to God, how is your timing and what influences it?
  • Martha misunderstood Jesus saying "Your brother will rise again" thinking he was referring to the last day of the world when all the dead will rise again. When was the last time that you realised that you could change your understanding? Have you ever done that?
  • How do you read Martha’s opening words to Jesus? Do you hear chastisement or grief in her voice? Why do you think you read it this way?


God of comfort help us to find comfort in your presence when things are tough. Embrace us when we mourn, soothe us when we are angry, calm us when we are anxious, and help us to trust your timing.  Amen.

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