Tuesday 10 October 2023

Bible Book:

But someone has testified somewhere, 'What are human beings that you are mindful of them, or mortals, that you care for them?' (v. 6)

Hebrews 2:5-18 Tuesday 10 October 2023


We all need to be cared for and looked after and part of that is being encouraged. The writer to the Hebrews knew this and emphasises God’s care and calls on readers to encourage one another daily to keep the faith. The book of Hebrews is believed to have been written prior to the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, so this is one of the later books of the New Testament writings and its focus is upon an ageing Church that was beginning to lose its enthusiasm for what was still a fledgling Christian movement.  

I know that I need to be watched over and encouraged and in my prison job I know how it helps to be recognised and appreciated. When my Governor says to me "Thanks for doing a good job" (which often means my chaplaincy team has done a good job), it makes all the difference. It makes me feel we are being cared for: it motivates me and it motivates my team to do further good work.

I try to thank my staff weekly as recognising and encouraging them is part of caring for them. I know what it's like to have no encouragement at all; it leaves you questioning whether you are doing a good job and doubting whether what you are doing is right – making you feel no one cares. It’s an awful place to be, one in which you feel undervalued and unappreciated.

In my role as Prison Managing Chaplain, I encourage prisoners daily to keep to the right path. I affirm and encourage them in order they may live law-abiding lives in prison and become better citizens for the community beyond. They often fail and sometimes they fail big! This may be because of their upbringing, mental health or even, dare I say, lack of character, but after a chaplain’s gentle ticking off, they are encouraged once again to start afresh on the right path. I never write them off. I never punish them, I simply offer them another chance to do better next time. This is part of being cared for and gives a glimpse into the way God cares for us, mere mortals.

Prison chaplains probably use the gift of encouragement more than any other gift. In our presence, in our words and in our actions, we offer to prisoners a version of God that says they are valued, loved, and not forgotten. We simply encourage them, and it makes a difference to their outlook on life.


To Ponder:

  • Think of a time in your life when someone took an interest and showed they cared by encouraging you to be better or to go further. How did that motivate you?
  • Think of a time when you encouraged others. How did that make you feel?


God, as you care for and encourage the spring flowers to burst through the soil after winter's sleep, may we care for and encourage others to grow and flower into the best possible version of themselves. Amen.


Prisons Week

8-14 October 2023 is Prisons Week, which the Methodist Church sponsors. All of this week’s contributions are written by Methodist prison chaplains.

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