Tuesday 17 January 2023

Bible Book:
1 John

We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us – and we ought to lay down our lives for one another. (v. 16)

1 John 3:7-24 Tuesday 17 January 2023

 Psalm 119:113-128


This passage tackles some difficult topics and sets some high standards. I often read it and wonder how I might ever live up to its expectations. The author is writing to people to convey a message that was important to them. It seems from these verses and elsewhere in the letter that there were some who believed their actions did not matter. That believing in Jesus was enough and their actions had no consequence. John puts them straight stating "Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil" (v. 8). I often read those words and think of all the times I have done that which is sinful.

But then I get to verse 16 and these words about Jesus. We know what love is by looking at Jesus and his willingness to lay down his life for others.

I know the author is right, that the things I do and say have consequence. They can cause pain and bring about injustice. They can be sinful. Sometimes even when I am trying my best to do what I believe is right, I can still fall short. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try, but I need to remind myself that I will never get it right all the time and, most importantly, I am a child of God and I am loved.

Jesus has shown us his love by giving his life for all. There is no greater example of love and it is something we are encouraged to follow. When we are moved to give ourselves and possessions to meet the needs of others,  then God’s love is within us. If we seek to sacrifice our own wants and desires to see others freed from oppression then we have the love of God in us.  That is because our actions as well as our belief are important as we live in the Kingdom of God.

To Ponder:

  • How do you feel when you read this passage?
  • What in practical terms does verse 16 mean for you today?
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