Tuesday 23 January 2024

Bible Book:

Now during those days he went out to the mountain to pray; and he spent the night in prayer to God. (v. 12)

Luke 6:12-16 Tuesday 23 January 2024


Today's scripture passage continues from the story we read yesterday: Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees when he and his followers were picking and eating grain on the Sabbath and Jesus healed a man’s withered hand. The Pharisees were angry that Jesus had flouted the 'no work on the Sabbath' rule. Jesus’ responses were appropriate to the situation which angered the Pharisees even more.

Large crowds have been following Jesus so he took himself away to a quiet spot on a mountain. While Jesus was divine, he was also human and needed time away to be still and know God. It was also an opportunity to seek direction about who to call to be witnesses to the ministry he will undertake.The people he called would need to be able to continue spreading his teaching after he died.  Jesus prays all night on the mountain, communing with God, as he makes major decisions about who of those following him he will call to be his closest companions in the months and years to come. 

Many of us, when we have major decisions and plans to make, spend much time considering what needs to be done and working out the details, before finalising everything. Jesus was no different – he took the time to pray through the night seeking God’s direction and wisdom before he called the 12 ordinary men with no special education to be his apostles.


To Ponder:

  • Do you have a space where you can go to be still and rest your spirit in God, especially in difficult and busy times, and listen to where God may be leading or directing you?
  • What major plans might you have that require much prayer and thought? How will you make the time to offer those plans to God in prayer? 


God of wisdom, we come to you seeking peace of mind and spirit in busy and challenging days. Open our hearts and minds to hear, see, and experience your grace, wisdom and direction as decisions and plans are made for the future. Amen.

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