Wednesday 04 August 2010

Bible Book:

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." (v.3)

Jeremiah 31:1-7 Wednesday 4 August 2010


"All the families of Israel" refers to both the northern kingdomof Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, as well as the manyJews in exile scattered from their homeland. Yet much of this shortpassage is addressed to the north, hence the references to themountains of Samaria and hills of Ephraim. The passage, however,assumes that the two kingdoms are reunified and are summoned toworship in Zion (another name for Jerusalem).

The hearers or recipients of this prophecy are reminded of God'ssaving acts in their past when they were brought out of slavery inEgypt and into the wilderness. Such past actions are meant toinduce trust in the present and hope for the future. Despite thepeople's faithlessness, and the trouble they have found themselvesin, God is portrayed as faithful and with an everlasting love. Thepeople's present troubles are compared to the wilderness years thatfollowed the escape from slavery in Egypt and, just as God caredfor them then, despite their recurrent faithlessness, so God wouldcare for them now.

There will again be a time to dance and make merry. The image ofplanting a vineyard and enjoying its fruit is a powerful one forthe people of Israel as it speaks of being settled in the land; ofthere being time to plant and opportunity to enjoy the fruit oftheir labour.

To Ponder

Why do you think Jeremiah reminds the people ofGod's actions in their past?

What does this passage say to people today whofeel like they are in some kind of wilderness?

What images speak of 'settledness' for you?Why?

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