Wednesday 08 October 2008

Bible Book:

"For he who worked through Peter making him an apostle to the circumcised also worked through me in sending me to the Gentiles." (v.8)

Galatians 2:1-14 Wednesday 8 October 2008


These verses lay the foundation for Paul's assertion that thosewho put their faith in Jesus Christ are "justified not by the worksof the law but through faith in Jesus Christ" (verse 16). And thesefew words, which inspired Martin Luther (1483-1546) and promptedthe Protestant Reformation, have become immortalised as thecatechism phrase "justified by faith alone".

In setting up this theological assertion Paul reminds the Galatiansthat the gospel he preached was rubber stamped by those "who wereacknowledged pillars" (verse 9) at a meeting in Jerusalem (Acts 15). Paulwants to make it clear that he was not a lone ranger seeking toprotect his vision but that he was acting out his missionary zealas a pioneer to the Gentiles (non Jews).

Paul had a crack team in his mission to the Gentiles:

  • Barnabas, which means 'son of encouragement', had greatstanding within the Church as a Jewish Christian. Indeed, the bookof Acts is jam-packed with the re-telling of his bridge buildingand cross-community work in Antioch, Cyprus, Galatia andJerusalem.
  • Titus was a Greek Christian and his inclusion on the teamindicates Paul's commitment to his belief that it was not necessaryto convert to Judaism to become a Christian.

Paul, together with Barnabas and Titus, challenged thefalse view that ethnic identity was a barrier to equal membershipof the Church.

In attending the Council at Jerusalem the trio soughtrightful recognition that all ethnicities and races could be unitedin Christ. This small team of radical missionaries illustrated thatthat which binds us - faith - is greater than that which can divideus - tradition.


To Ponder

Take this time to consider carefully whatsnobbery and prejudices you might hold about fellow believers (andthose who would not call themselves believers). Are you part of aclique (on a Sunday morning, at your Tuesday night housegroup orwhatever), or are you genuine in your offer of friendship andcommunion?

Think about the Christian people you know. Whichones are like Barnabas - who have grown up in a Christian communityand have a developed Christian faith, and which ones are like Titus- who came to faith from a very different background? How havethese different people helped you in your discipleship?

Are you a Barnabas or a Titus? How might thisaspect of you help others in following God?

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