Wednesday 12 December 2012

Bible Book:

"Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey." (v. 9)

Zechariah 9:9-12 Wednesday 12 December 2012


Like other Old Testament prophets, Zechariah was also a priest.He was born in exile in Babylon but later returned to Judah.

His book can be divided into two parts - the first (chapters1-8) is a series of prophetic visions which deal with therestoration of Jerusalem, the rebuilding of the temple, thepurification of the God's chosen people and the messianic age tocome; the second (chapters 9-14) are a collection of messages aboutthe expected Messiah and the final judgement.

Today's passage comes from the second part. It may seem familiaras it is quoted in Matthew's Gospel (Matthew 21:4-5) with reference to Jesus' entryinto Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

The Messiah arrives on a donkey. Whilst this initially seems astrange choice (especially with the contrast of the war horse inverse 10), a donkey was a princely mount (2 Samuel 16:2) before thehorse came into common use. The donkey takes nothing away from thejoy and triumph, as Zechariah states this explicitly in verse 9 -being "triumphant and victorious" is no contradiction tohumility.

As if to stress the point the passage continues (in verse 10)with examples of the extent of the triumph and what the victoryentails. And verses 11 and 12 give emphasis to the sense ofrestoration, peace and hope.

What a change and what a contrast, and it happens because of thecoming of the Messiah. And what rejoicing, too.

To Ponder

  • Verse 9 is used in Matthew's Gospel. How does your reading ofthe Old Testament give you a deeper insight into the Gospels?
  • The Messiah (Jesus) was a combination of strength and humility,triumph and peace. How might you follow that example?
  • "I will restore to you double" (v. 12). What would you react ifsomeone said that to you? And what might it mean to you?
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