
Beginning a Church at the Margins training

Beginning a Church at the Margins

Beginning a Church at the Margins resource

Who is it for? Small groups of people (3-12) who want to begin a new Christian community amongst people experiencing poverty.

How to run the course:

  • There are six sessions of around 90-120 minutes. This could be done in one sitting with a break, or you might like to take longer and split the sessions over a longer period of time.  Ideally, the small group will be facilitated by someone who takes responsibility for setting the times, dates and venue for meeting.
  • We recommend running the course fortnightly to give space for the practical activity between each of the sessions.
  • This resource contains all the key messages to enable a group to journey together.
  • Some video links are included in the sessions, optional if technology is not easily available.

You can access the workbook via the picture to the right or individual chapters here:

Session 1 Introducing the resource
Session 2 Vision and Values
Session 3 Creating connections
Session 4 Nurturing communities
Session 5 Sharing the gospel
Session 6 Seeing transformation
Next Steps

Beginning a Church at the Margins: 3 session interactive online course

Aim of the course: A space to think about connecting and becoming a community of new Christians amongst and led by people experiencing poverty.

For: People who are passionate about their community with very little or no experience of this kind of work. Whilst you can attend alone ideally, we would like you to join as a team (you plus one other person from your church or circuit) to share in conversation together (if you are an experienced pioneer drop us an email for more information).

Important: Each session builds on the previous session, so you need to be available for all three sessions. The sessions are interactive rather than formal presentations and will not be recorded.

Hosted by: Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer and Kerry Scarlett, Regional Learning and Development Officer

Next courses: please sign up for all 3 sessions by clicking each link in red below:

Autumn 2024

Tuesday 1 October, 7-8.30pm Session One: Creating connections and spaces where people truly encounter one another. 

Tuesday 15th October, 7-8.30pm Session Two: Nurturing communities in which people with lived experience of poverty are recognised as the experts  

Tuesday 29th October, 7-8.30pm Session Three: Sharing the gospel and seeing transformation as people grow in faith and challenge injustice.  

If you would be interested in attending this course over two days face to face at Cliff College, please email: attwoode@methodistchurch.org.uk