Monday 28 January 2008

Bible Book:

"The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, 'The LORD is with you, you mighty warrior'. Gideon answered him, 'But sir, if the LORD is with us, then why has all this happened to us?'" (v.12-13)

Judges 6:11-24 Monday 28 January 2008


The book of Judges does pretty much what it says on the tin - ittells the stories of Israel's judges and their struggles againstoppressive foreign overlords. These judges were not likemagistrates today, but led the tribes of Israel in times of war andacted as the voice of God to God's people.

At this stage in the story, the people are being oppressed by thewicked Midianites in a desolate land. So, at the beginning of thepassage we find Gideon in a real state. All hope was lost - God hadabandoned his people, their neighbours bore down on them and theirland was wasted and dry.

Gideon had hit rock bottom.

Then along came an angel. "The Lord is with you!" he said. "Notlikely!" replies Gideon. As far as he was concerned, all evidenceshowed that God had thrown in the towel and left them to their owndevices.

But the angel challenged Gideon to make a difference to thesituation rather than making excuses or playing the victim.Although he seemed a weakling, Gideon is told he's more thancapable of defeating the Midianites and bringing victory toIsrael.

When we pray "Let your will be done", how much do we really meanit? To see real change in the world in our time, surely we must bewilling to be partners with God and hold up our end of thebargain?

Does it seem strange to you that Gideon named the place of hisexperience "The Lord is peace" just after he'd been commanded byGod to wage war? We can often be surprised by the violence of thegod of the Old Testament, but it can teach us important thingsabout the dangerous side of God and the situation, values andconcerns of the Old Testament writers.

To Ponder

How do we deal with the difficult questionsraised by the portrayal of a 'warrior God' in parts of the OldTestament? How can we reconcile the God we read about in the NewTestament with the one we encounter in the Old?

Do you sometimes find it hard to hear what God istrying to say to you? What can you do to make it easier for you tolisten?

What skills might God be calling you to use aspart of your daily life with him?

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