Thursday 25 January 2024

Bible Book:

In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie! (v. 20)

Galatians 1:11-24 Thursday 25 January 2024

Psalm 67


This reading is early in Paul's letter to the Galatians and sets the scene for what is a dramatic challenge and call to faith. Paul, previously known as Saul, was a very religious Jew and widely known for his persecution of the early Christians. Following his conversion, he became a missionary to the Gentiles. (You can read about Paul’s story in Acts 9.) Paul had led his first missionary journey which included visiting the Roman province of Galatia. This letter is to a collection of churches which had been formed across the region.

News had reached Paul that all was not well within these new churches and there was a struggle between two groups of the new converts. On the one hand there were non-Jewish new Christians (Gentiles), and on the other hand there were converts from the Jewish faith. The latter were trying to work out how to balance their new-found Christian faith and the freedoms it gave, with the deeply held Jewish view of strictly following the law. A group of Christians called Judaizers believed that certain Jewish practices should be adopted and Paul was certain this was not the gospel that he had been preaching (Galatians 1:6). 

The passage for today, is an abridged version of Paul’s story of faith. He shares his credentials, giving details about his background and past experiences, building upon what people might have already been heard about him and adding detail about the passage of time.  Paul knows his account will be challenged so his promise “I do not lie” would be heard with the passion and conviction with which it was written. All those listening knew it would be wrong to make this kind of statement if it were not true. What follows in the rest of the letter is Paul’s explanation that if you want to be saved from God’s judgement it's not what you do and the laws that you keep that matter so much (Galatians 3:11) as believing in Christ alone (Galatians 3:22).

To Ponder:

  • Put yourself in Paul’s place, how much of your past experience would you share?
  • How convinced are you of someone’s truth when they say the words “I do not lie”?
  • Do you need to trust the messenger, before you can trust the message you hear?


Lord, I give thanks for all those who share their story of faith in order to lead others to Jesus. Help me to follow their example. Amen.

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