Tuesday 07 November 2023

Bible Book:

'This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised.' (v. 10)

Genesis 17:1-10 Tuesday 7 November 2023

Psalm 15


Abram was 99 when the Lord appeared to him (v. 1). The problem of great ages in the Old Testament does not have an agreed explanation that helps us. We simply have to accept that this was what was understood at that time.

Circumcision is part of Jewish religious rites but for most people in Britain it is not a familiar ritual. There are many parts of the world where it is widespread: in parts of Africa, Fiji and the other Melanesian islands, for example, and of course for all Jews, wherever they live. It is an accepted practice for some Muslims and is mostly used as a rite of passage. As Christianity spread beyond Palestine, circumcision ceased to become a requirement through a decision taken in Jerusalem (Acts 15).

God commands every male to be circumcised (v. 10). It was not easy, for none of the males of Abram’s household were circumcised and for adults it is a pretty painful act. But this became the mark of a Jew from that day.

This covenant statement is also the source of the claim by the Jews in Israel that the land is theirs. “I will give to you and your offspring the land of Canaan for a perpetual holding.” (v. 8)  Abraham (note the change of name) is promised that he will be the ancestor of a multitude of nations yet that covenant has been narrowed down by some of his ancestors to the one nation, Israel.

Christians look back on these writings as the struggle by God to get his message through to a stubborn and wayward people. The books of the prophets tell us again and again of the falling from grace of the chosen people and, for us, a new chapter opened with the birth of Jesus, God’s son. This new covenant is epitomised in Luke 22:20 “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”


To Ponder:

  •  How do we react to the covenant of the circumcision? Does it still have meaning for you today?
  • What relevance does this Abrahamic covenant have in your life and faith?


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