Prayer for the Day

A prayer for the poor and the lost

Blessed is your cross, O Jesus, way for the lost, guide for the seeker and strength for the weak. Blessed is your cross, O Jesus, healing for the sick, freedom for the slave and clothing for the naked.

African hymn (10th century)
Prayer for the Day

A prayer for the elderly and their carers

Dear Lord,
We pray for elderly, housebound individuals, who are often very lonely.
We praise and thank you for their carers, who come into their homes and brighten their days by showing tenderness, kindness, and giving much needed practical support.
Make us more sensitive to the needs of both groups and move our hearts and minds to seek ways in which we may become involved.
Increase our awareness of the conditions under which carers do their work; often earning so little for such a valuable contribution and help us seek social justice for them.


Eileen Simmons, chaplain and local preacher

Where would you like to go next?

Let us guide you...

... Or choose your own...

A prayer for patience and courage in a bewildering world

Eternal God, we seek clarity and reassurance in a bewilderingly complex world.
Grant us the patient trust that will enable us to sense your hand in the emergent, the ambiguous, the random and the fragile. Give us courage to embrace your vulnerability seen in Jesus Christ.
May your Spirit help us to understand it is amid the darkness that your light can be seen most clearly; attune the eyes of faith so that we can detect and follow the glimpses of your kingdom’s radiance. In the still, dark night of our days may we behold galaxies of divine light and love and be captivated by the vision of your glory. Amen.

Mike Long, Action for Children Trustee

Wednesday 18 December 2019

] had driven them.’ Then they shall live in their own land. (vs. 7-8)

Jeremiah 23:5-8
