

Purpose: An online space to think about the connection between social justice and evangelism.

Why: To develop our commitment to be a growing, evangelistic, justice-seeking, inclusive Church of gospel people, who speak of, listen for, and live out the goodness of God so that more people become disciples of Jesus Christ, and already committed Methodists experience a deepening of their faith.

Who: Open to anyone who wants to listen, learn, and share in conversation with others.

You can sign into each individual webinar, when they are posted here, by clicking on the links in RED below, you can attend all of them or just those which are of special interest to you.  

Future dates: tbc

A reflection on Social Justice: Love is the same in every language.

Resources to explore:

Learn more about poverty in the UK from the Joint Public Issues Team: Poverty and Inequality 

Read the most recent research on the impact of UK poverty from Life on the Breadline 

Could your church Join Church Action on Poverty A national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the UK?