God loves you
unconditionally, no strings attached.
That's the good news.

In the wilderness, Jesus reminded us that people don’t live by bread alone.
Each week during Lent, we’ll reflect on what sustains us, based on the lectionary Gospel passage for Sunday.
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
John 13:34 (NRSVA)Every person is made in God's image and is of equal value
Everyone is welcome
The Methodist Church is committed to Justice, Dignity and Solidarity. We believe that all people are uniquely made in the image of God, and we aim to live this out in the Church and in our communities. This forms our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work.
God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31 (NRSVA)Net zero carbon emissions by 2030
Action for hope
The climate emergency is one of the most pressing concerns in the world today, but it is not merely a secular one. As Christians and Methodists we are called to care for God’s creation and challenge injustice, so climate concerns are inherently missional and part of our discipleship.
And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8Challenging the injustices of the world
Seeking justice
As Christians we’re called to seek God’s justice. Justice that enables everyone, and all creation, to flourish. Justice that removes everything that diminishes people, that oppresses or exploits them. Justice that enables us all to grow in relationship with each other and with God.
I have called you friends.
John 15:15Building real friendships in diverse communities
Exploring spirituality
Methodists believe God is For All. Different people experience God in different ways – that's how God works! We love real conversations about life with diverse people, in unexpected places – like the Edinburgh Fringe, Silverstone Grand Prix, and your local coffee shop or pub. We're starting new kinds of communities exploring God together.
Latest News
Earthquake in Myanmar – The Methodist Church responds and supports Christian Aid appeal
28 March 2025
The Methodist Church in Britain is supporting Christian Aid's Myanmar Earthquake Appeal.
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Faith leaders call for bold action on child poverty
27 March 2025
The President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference have led a call from senior faith leaders for the government to be ‘bold and ambitious’ in its forthcoming Child Poverty Strategy. The call comes in an open letter to the co-chairs of the Ministerial Child Poverty Taskforce, Bridget Philipson, Secretary of State for Education, and Liz Kendall, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.
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Money donated by British Methodists reaches Gaza projects
26 March 2025
The Methodist Church’s Lebanon and Gaza Justice Appeal was set up to support projects that the Church has been involved with for many years. Supported by All We Can and the United Reformed Church, over twenty thousand pounds has been raised so far. Read this update on the campaign.
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Latest blogs
Julie's story of forced adoption
27 March 2025
Julie tells the story of how her birth mother was forced to give her up for adoption after being sent to a Methodist Mother and Baby home in 1962.
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Professional theatre group to perform in a Methodist Church
26 March 2025
A Methodist Church in Durham is preparing to welcome actors from Ensemble ’84 who will make their theatrical debut in a play considered one of the greatest anti-war plays ever written.
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Education in Africa, creating opportunity and hope
24 March 2025
At the beginning of the year, the President-designate of Methodist Church in Britain, Rev. Richard Andrew, visited the United Church of Zambia to attend the 60th Anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Church. Amongst the Institutions and communities that he visited were three schools that are representative of the types of Institutions commonly found everywhere across the Continent.
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