
Action for Hope

Find out more on the roadmap to 2030.

The Methodist Church has set an aspirational target of becoming a net zero carbon emissions church by 2030. Many districts, circuits and churches have already begun to work towards net zero goals, an Eco District award, or other aims in caring for creation following the Faith Plan.

To support this journey it was agreed at the Methodist Conference in 2020 that to enable the diversity of our church to fully engage, we needed to develop a range of key partnerships along the way.

With the endorsement of the Conference, we are working with Faith Invest who run the Faith Plans programme which help faiths to use their assets, investments and influence to drive practical action to benefit people and the planet.

The programme involves each religious group developing a long-term action plan to determine how they will manage their assets and resources over the next seven to ten years. We are calling our plan Action for Hope.

Our areas of focus

The Methodist Church has decided to initially focus on three key areas:

In autumn 2021, a task group of Connexional Team members was appointed to take the work forward, reporting to the Methodist Council on progress in January 2022 and to the Methodist Conference in June 2022. Read the report to Conference here (from page 218).


We have committed that by 2030 all travel, electricity and gas directly funded by the Church will have net zero emissions. More detail around these aims, along with guidance and resources to support work, will be produced, in collaboration with districts and circuits.

We will produce resources to support members and church leaders to reduce carbon emissions related to Methodist properties and activities as well as guidance on listed buildings, new property projects and use of other fuel sources.

Much has already been achieved in recent years, notably in our investment policies and noting that the electricity used at Methodist Central House in London is from 100% renewable sources.

Assets: Advice already available here


The main resource available is Hope in God’s Future. This was last updated in 2020 but it is planned that a further update will be issued in 2023. The report offers not just a statement on our approach to climate change but resources including for small group reflection and whole-church conversation.

The resource highlights the goodness and interconnectedness of all God has made and this together with the theology and practice of good stewardship informs much of the work of the Connexion from Oversight and Trusteeship, to the emphasis of the JDS strategy on the need for a fairer approach to Christian life together.

Wisdom: Resources already available here

Further resources for reflection are available here.


At the January 2022 meeting of the Methodist Council, the aim of encouraging Methodist members and adherents to reduce their carbon footprints, particularly via the three key areas of energy, travel and diet (the biggest contributors to individual emissions) will be proposed.

Lifestyle: Resources already available here

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) have produced a number of resources and campaigns to help get you thinking: see jpit.uk/issues/environment.


Download a Pdf of the Six Steps to Net Zero leaflet

Timescales and working arrangements

We will keep you updated on plans and resources as they develop.