
 The wise men travelled a long way, following a star, to find the baby Jesus and worship him. They probably came from Persia (modern-day Iran), and they weren’t Jewish like Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They were ‘magi’, men who studied astrology. This was forbidden for Jews and for followers of Jesus.

And yet, God chose to write a message in the stars to these magi and they responded to God’s invitation. The Bethlehem stable has room for people of many religious and ethnic identities – even people who might not expect to find themselves there.

Have you ever felt like a religious or cultural outsider?


Making Room for Neurodivergence

James Carver, Youth President 2022-23, explains how we can welcome and celebrate neurodiversity.

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 There are simple ways we can create safe, inclusive spaces where differences are celebrated and alterations are seen as a natural way of life.


Making Room for all cultures and languages


There is room for all at the Hub Café in Rugby where refugees from 15 countries cook, socialise and learn English

"...we were able to include refugee families living in a different hotel close to the town and we found numbers increased way beyond our capacity. It was messy; it felt crazy, but it was so good."

Read the full story of the World Kitchen


Making Room for people recovering from addiction



Recovery Church is a New Place for New People which developed during the first lockdown following engagement with the addiction community. Recovery Church uses the lens of addiction to engage with the Bible and the 12 Steps as a means of discipleship and on-going learning.

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"What started as a short stop-gap service of 12-step prayers and brief reflection is now a maturing, growing community where God is transforming lives for people who don't usually attend church"


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