
God found room in our world when baby Jesus was born in the Bethlehem stable. We call this the ‘incarnation’ – God made flesh and blood in Jesus. But God isn’t limited to one place and time. God wants to be born in our hearts too.

There is room in the Bethlehem stable for all of us and there is room in all of us for the stable. What might it look like for you to make room for God? Take a moment right now. The divine wants to be born in your heart today.

Can you make room?

My Faith Journey: The Revd Graham Thompson, President of the Conference



Making Room for meaningful conversation


Lucy Zwolinska, Holly Adams and Mollie Pugmire describe the Hope & Anchor, a drop-in space at Greenbelt Festival  where ‘matchstick sessions’ ignited meaningful discussions.

 Read more about how to open up meaningful conversation.


Making Room for those experiencing rejection and discrimination



Katharine Farnham-Dear explores the Dalit Madonna by Indian artist Jyoti Sahi.

 Read  about the Dalit Madonna


My Faith Journey: Anthony Boateng, Vice-President of the Conference



Making Room for others through Prayer


The story of how a South London church is partnering with neighbours to provide weekly meal kits for hundreds of families across the London Borough of Southwark.


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