
When Jesus was still a babe in arms, an angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him to take his family to Egypt, the neighbouring country. King Herod sent men to look for Jesus and kill him. So Joseph, Mary and Jesus became refugees, fleeing for their lives to another country.

They gathered up a few precious possessions and left everything and everyone that they knew, escaping in fear to another country. It was only after Herod eventually died that they were able to come home. The Bethlehem stable has room for people who are made to feel scared and unsafe in their homes.

Have you ever felt unsafe or scared?


Making Room for asylum seekers in local communities


Halton Trinity Methodist Church in Runcorn is helping asylum seekers by running basic English lessons and cultural awareness training to help build community..


Making Room for Ukrainian refugees in Harpenden



Methodists in Harpenden are saying ‘there is room’ and opening their hearts and homes to Ukrainian refugees.   

Read how a safe haven was made for Ukrainian families


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