
Perhaps you have sometimes felt on the edges of things. Perhaps you are not religious. Perhaps you are struggling with the cost of living or see people close to you struggle and wish things were different. Perhaps you are young and sometimes feel patronised. Perhaps you are older and sometimes feel ignored.

The Bethlehem stable has room for all people – including you, including me. Every single person is part of this story. God wants all of us to take our place and receive love, wholeness and peace.

How does knowing that there is room for you in God’s story make you feel?

Making Room in Bermondsey 


The story of how a South London church is partnering with neighbours to provide weekly meal kits for hundreds of families across the London Borough of Southwark.

Download a video file here


Making Room in Safe Spaces



Elaine is creating safe spaces and changing the perception of church for those who traditionally wouldn’t think they’d be welcome.   

The Terminus Project has been working on the Lowedges estate for more than a decade and has offered a community café and even a charity shop, however when the pandemic hit, things needed to change an that’s when Elaine stepped in.  

Read the full story of the Terminus Project 


Making Room for All



The Revd Dr Paul Chilcote says ‘a wide embrace’ has always characterised Methodism and, taking our cue from Jesus, we make room for all.



"At the table of the Lord we see this practice of making room dramatically enacted in the worshipping community. In the sacrament of Holy Communion we live the parable of inclusion. We say, through our actions, that we want every person to know to the very fibre of their being that they are welcome."

Read Room for All 


Making Room for Families 


The Freedom Project in Bolsover helps local people to find joy in the world during hard times.

Download a video file 

How do you share God’s love?

Making Room for Armed Forces personnel 


In a beautiful corner of Suffolk is a military base with hundreds of young women and men. For times when things don’t go to plan, spaces of care and reflection have been created by the chaplaincy team.

"I lost my faith a while ago, but God found me here", said one person who attends.

Read more about Armed Forces chaplaincy



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