
Ethical investment

Around £1billion of Methodist money is invested in stocks, shares, bonds and other schemes. This money comes from individual churches and circuits, as well as national funds. All the money is invested in line with ethical principles. 

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The Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church (CFB)

Methodists have their own investment agency, the CFB. It is the job of the CFB to manage the funds and get good returns on their investments whilst making sure that the investments are in line with the moral and ethical teaching of the Church - such as not investing in companies that profit from alcohol, gambling, pornography or the arms trade.

From their base in the City of London, the CFB is a Christian witness in the investment community. By acting as shareholders of major companies, including some listed on the FTSE-100, they can influence decisions and vote in shareholder meetings. This provides Methodists with a powerful voice at the heart of economic life in one of the world's most important financial centres.

Recently the CFB have been working with the Carbon Disclosure Project and are a founding partner of the Transition Pathway Initiative that assesses companies expected future performance on carbon emissions.  CFB and JACEI have also helped with a significant initiative to bring together mining executives and church leaders to visit mining sites and discuss sustainable mining.

Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (JACEI)

To make sure that the CFB are working to the highest ethical standards, the Methodist Conference has set up JACEI, which is made up of five people nominated by the CFB and five by the Methodist Council. The Revd Rachel Parkinson - Chair of the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District - is the Chair of JACEI.

You can read more about the work of JACEI in its annual report to the Methodist Conference. At Conference there is also an informal event where ethical investment can be discussed and leaflet is published that looks at some of the issues that JACEI has dealt with over the last year.

One of the most controversial and widely publicised recommendations that JACEI made was about Nestlé in 2006.

CFB/Epworth Ethical Pillars and Policies

CFB/Epworth Ethics Pillars

CFB Banking Policy

CFB Conflict Policy

For information on further CFB ethical policies please contact Revd Dr Andrew Harper, CFB/Epworth Investment Management. Email a.harper@epworthim.com