16 March 2018
Anniversary services for 11 September
A number of Christian and inter-faith services, as well ascivic acts of remembrance, are taking place around Britain tomorrowto mark the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America.Here is a selection...
BOLTON - The people of Bolton, Lancashire,mark the anniversary of 11 September with a servicein Victoria Squarein the town centre. Theservice is being conducted by the Anglican Bishop of Bolton, the RtRev David Gillett, and the Chair of the Bolton & RochdaleMethodist District, the Rev Keith Garner. The event, which containscontributions from both Muslims and Hindus, is being held in themorning as people begin their working day. This timing is theequivalent time that the tragedy occurred in the United States ofAmerica.
CHESTER - Chester Cathedral is open forquiet reflection. It features an ecumenical service at 5.30pm withJohn Rutter's 'Requiem' sung by cathedral Choir.
LIVERPOOL - There will be a service inLiverpool Hope University College at Everton inthe Church of St FrancisXavier beginning at 10.30am to commemorate the eventsof a year ago. The preacher will be the Rev Dr John Taylor, Chairof the Liverpool Methodist District. The service will be followedby a viewing of the Methodist Collection of Modern Christian Art inthe University College precincts.
LONDON - 1. Wesley's Chapel, City Road, is openfor private prayer all day and is having a short (5min) act ofdevotion on the hour each hour from 8am to 6pm on the 11th with a15 minute service at 1pm. 2. Methodist Central Hall,Westminster, is hosting a service on behalf of theAmerican Church in London. This Service of Remembrance and Hope isto pray for God's peace in the world, to celebrate God's redeeminglove and to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks inAmerica as well as the remarkable acts of heroism and love thatfollowed. It starts with Music for Reflection from 7.30pm. TheService itself starts at 8pm with Orchestra, Combined Choirs andContemporary Worship Band.
SHEFFIELD - Ecumenical serviceat Sheffield Cathedral at 12 noonfollowed by an Interfaith Civic 'time of remembrance' at the PeaceGardens at 2.15pm.
WEST MIDLANDS - 1. Borough of Dudley, MultiFaith Act of Remembrance in the Amphitheatre at Merry Hill ShoppingCentre at 11am. 2. Wolverhampton Act ofRemembrance at St Peter's Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton, 12noon.