Author welcomed as new Methodist District Chair for London
A crowd is expected to gather at Wesley's Chapel on 1 Septemberto welcome author and broadcaster the Revd Michaela Youngson as thenew Methodist District Chair for London.
Michaela will join the Revd Jenny Impey and the Revd StuartJordan in chairing the London District following her appointment tothe role by the Methodist Conference this summer. She will bewelcomed to the leadership team in special service held at 6pm onSeptember 1 at Wesley's Chapel - built by Methodism's foundingfather John Wesley - in City Road, London.
"I am very excited about working in the London District Team andparticularly with the other two London Chairs as we continue todiscern God's will for the Methodist Church in this vibrant globalcity," said Michaela. "I look forward to the pastoral work ofencouraging and supporting ministry, lay and ordained, and tohelping communicate the Methodist message of social and scripturalholiness."
Michaela is an artist working with kiln-formed glass and anauthor of books on reflection and worship material. She worked inthe aircraft industry, the civil service and for Traidcraft PLCbefore she trained for ministry. She studied theology at TheQueen's College, Birmingham and has an MA in Spirituality fromSarum College, Salisbury. Michaela, a mum of two, is passionateabout matters of justice and poverty, and is committed to aninclusive church where all people are valued and able toflourish.
The London District of the Methodist Church is currently made upof 23,000 members, 257 ministers, 245 churches and 40 circuits andtheir projects, together with a number of educational institutions.The District serves a diverse group of people originating from manydifferent countries and communities who have come together toworship God and live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the beliefthat they are better together. Their aim is to contribute to oneanother's well-being, to London, to the surrounding areas, and tothe wider Methodist Church.
An image of the Revd Michaela Youngson is available to downloadfrom the Methodist Media Flickr stream