16 March 2018
Christians urged to vote on 6 May
Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Church leaders haveunited to urge all Christians to vote on 6 May.
The leaders of the three Churches have encouraged Christians toread the parties' manifestos, question their local candidates onkey policies, and vote on the issues which matter to them.
The Revd Roberta Rominger, General Secretary of the United ReformedChurch says: "As Christians we're committed to principles ofjustice, peace and equality for all, regardless of race, gender orbackground. The General Election on 6 May gives all who areregistered and ready to vote an importance and influence that weonly enjoy every four or five years. We urge you to use your voteresponsibly. Think mindfully about the issues that are important toyou, take time to consider and discover which parties will bestprovide solutions you're comfortable with, and voteaccordingly."
The Revd David Gamble, President of the Methodist Church inBritain, stresses the importance of the vote, saying: "TheChurches' agenda is to promote justice, equality and freedom forall. By staying away from the polling booth we let people with anagenda of fear and discrimination elect our representatives. Wemust never forget it was only a few generations ago that women werenot permitted to vote in this country, and many Christians overseaslive in countries without regular free and fair elections. We do adisservice to those who fought for the vote if we don't use thisopportunity to make our voices heard."
The Revd Jonathan Edwards, General Secretary of the Baptist Union,adds: "The Faith in Politics booklet has enabled people to explorekey campaign issues. From support for those seeking sanctuary tocreating a more equitable tax system, we have challenged ourmembers to tackle policy not personalities. In the days leading upto polling day I would encourage all Christians to pray and reflecton what we want the next local and national governments to achieve,and to vote to make it happen on 6 May."