16 March 2018
Churches give fresh impetus to social justice challenge
The work of Baptists, Methodists and members of the UnitedReformed Church in the field of social justice has been given freshimpetus, with new work priorities and the appointment of a newleader for the Joint Public Issues Team.
Rachel Lampard, previously responsible for political andparliamentary liaison in the Methodist Church, is to take over asteam leader, when she returns from maternity leave. She said: "Ourthree church traditions share a passionate concern for issues ofpoverty and injustice. By working together we have been able tomake a much stronger impact. Our challenge is to help the churchesto promote justice, equality and peace by influencing those inpower. We also want to help resource and energise localcongregations in their effort to live out the gospel ofChrist".
The Joint Public Issues Team was set up two years ago as aground-breaking initiative between the churches which is now beingadopted in other spheres of work. Staff retain a denominationalidentity but pool their expertise and produce resources jointly forthe Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and theUnited Reformed Church.
Team members are currently working on poverty in the UK, theologyand climate change, human rights and corporate responsibility,business ethics, and human embryology and early human life. Theyhave responded to government consultations on alcohol strategy,gambling, and climate change, and have produced a series of studiesfor home groups called "The Art of the Possible" which explore whyChristians should be interested in public issues (
A new Methodist member of the Team, Dr Paul Morrison, brings addedexpertise in the field of science, technology and bioethics. Otherteam members bring experience in international affairs, conflict,UK politics, theology, education and business.
The Joint Public Issues Team is managed by a group consisting ofJanet Morley, head of the Christian Communication, Evangelism andAdvocacy Cluster within the Methodist Church Connexional Team,Simon Loveitt, spokesperson on public issues for the UnitedReformed Church, and the Revd Graham Sparkes, head of Faith andUnity for the Baptist Union of Great Britain.