
Churches welcome government's decision on Syria

Leaders from the United Reformed Church, the Methodist Church inBritain and the Baptist Union of Great Britain have given thanksfor the decision of the UK Parliament to reject military action inSyria. Leaders from the three churches said: 

"We are thankful that our MPs carefully considered the difficultmatter of military intervention in Syria - and decided to rejectit. Our prayers now are that all diplomatic means are used to bringgovernment and opposition leaders to the negotiating table and thatdivided parties are encouraged to seek a future they can inhabittogether. We also urge that priority is given to a quick andeffective humanitarian response to the thousands of Syrian peopleaffected by the violence."

The Revd Roberta Rominger, General Secretary of the UnitedReformed Church

The Revd Ruth Gee, President of the MethodistConference                                                                  

The Revd Stephen Keyworth, Faith and Society Team Leader,Baptist Union of Great Britain


A prayer written by the Revd David Grosch-Miller,moderator-elect of General Assembly of the United ReformedChurch:

Gracious God look with compassion upon your people.

Where anger and fear encourage violence give courage to thosewho long for peace

When the pressure is to act give the wisdom to do the rightthing

When hope is silent give voice to the promise of newbeginnings

Gracious God grant to us and all people the desire for wholenessand healing that will not be satisfied until justice becomes thefoundation for all human relationships. Give us the courage to goon speaking for the oppressed and working for the fulfilment ofyour purposes. Amen.