Consultation seeks to boost evangelism in the Methodist Church
The Methodist Church has launched a national consultationon evangelism, asking Methodists across Great Britain what the termmeans to them and what they find challenging about it.
Through a simple
Additionally, on 27 November 2012 there will be a specialconsultation day at Methodist Church House in London. The day willdraw together a broad range of Methodists from different contextsto engage with the issues of evangelism for the Church, itscultures and resources. There is space for 80 people andinvitations for the day will be issued by 15 November.
The day will be hosted by the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins,General Secretary of the Methodist Church. "Some of us feel awkwardabout using the term 'evangelism' or worried about what it mightinvolve," said Dr Atkins. "But the reality is that many Methodistsare doing wonderful and creative things to share God's love withtheir communities. We want to affirm that, but also help others toengage more fully with the calling we all have to make moredisciples of Jesus Christ."
More information can be found
A hi-res photo of the Revd Dr Atkins can be found online