
Countdown to Learning Network Launch - 100 Days To Go

There are only 100 days to go before the launch of the newMethodist Discipleship and Ministries Learning Network on 1 September.The countdown begins on Wesley Day: a commemorative event in theMethodist calendar marking the day John Wesley experiencedconfirmation of his salvation whilst in a meeting room inAldersgate Street, London.

The new Learning Network aims to help the Methodist people growand learn as disciples, encourage patterns of witness andevangelism and inspire loving and prophetic action. It also aspiresto create mutually dependent ministries rooted in churchcommunities which are participatory, pioneering and contextual.

Jude Levermore, Interim Head of the Discipleship and MinistriesCluster, said: "We are on target to have the new Network up andrunning on time. It's going be enable us Connexionally to deliverlearning and development for the whole people of God who identifyas Methodist in a contextual, contemporary and excellent way."

The Network will be staffed by a team comprised of regionalstaff; specialist roles and centre tutors at the Queen'sFoundation, Birmingham and Cliff College; a Director of Learningand Development (Pathways); a Director of Learning and Development(Regions) and a Director of Scholarship, Research and Innovation.Much of the Network's work will be focused upon 11 regions groupingtogether Districts across England together with Wales and Scotlandand Shetland.

Richard Andrew, Discipleship and Ministries Learning NetworkProject Manager, said: "The Methodist Church has always been apioneer in theological education. The development of the LearningNetwork is a real opportunity for Methodism to build upon thelegacy of the past in a way which meets the needs of the presentand future whilst continuing to work closely with ecumenicalpartners. I feel genuinely excited by this opportunity in ourhistory to renew the connections between learning, discipleship andmission at every level of church life."

The Network will sit within the Discipleship and MinistriesCluster of the Connexional Team in close relationship to peopleworking elsewhere in Districts, regions and with other members ofthe Connexional Team. Its focus will be to support and enablediscipleship development; ministry development (lay and ordained,initial and continuing development, worship leader and localpreacher training) and church and community development underpinnedby scholarship, research and innovation.


Listen to Jude Levermore talking about the Learning Network here.

Keep up to date with all the Learning Network news here.