
European Methodist Council comes to Manchester

Church leaders from all over Europe will meet in Manchester thisweekend to discuss mass unemployment, migration, Christian andMuslim dialogue and ecumenical relationships.

Methodists from Ireland in the West across to Russia in the Eastand from Portugal in the South up to Scandinavia in the North willarrive at the Luther King House in Brighton Grove on September 12for the annual European Methodist Council.

Representatives from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Britain,Ireland and northern, central and southern Europe will also discussthe Church's response to the financial crisis which rocked theglobe this year.

A celebratory day of worship at local churches across the city onSunday will conclude with evensong at Manchester Cathedral followedby a dinner. Council business will begin on September 14 and end onSeptember 16.

Revd Keith Davies, Manchester and Stockport Methodist Chair ofDistrict, will address the Council on urban mission usingManchester as a model.

"We are really excited about the European Methodist Council comingto Manchester. I think it is really good to have that link with ourEuropean partners," he said. "We are hoping that there may be amore focused link with some of our partners."

Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church,will be giving a talk on vision, identity and Methodist charisma inEurope. There are nine Methodist denominational churches in Europewith around half million members and adherents. The EuropeanMethodist Council is a consultative body that exists to enablemember churches to consult together on matters of common concernand develop a stronger Methodist witness in Europe.