16 March 2018
From the Superintendent Minister at Methodist Central Hall Westminster
It is with great regret that we have heard of the fake BritishCitizenship ceremony held at the Methodist Central Hall Westminsterin December 2007. Many people were deceived by these fraudsters,including us. We were informed that the event was a "Welcome toBritain" ceremony by an established Chinese British resident whowas also a lawyer. The criminals seemed to be bona fide clients whopaid most of the invoice prior to the event and signed all theproper contracts. When contacted by the police we offered everyassistance, and in fact our closed circuit television record was agreat help to the police enquiry.
During that year the company based here at the Methodist CentralHall hosted over two thousand events, as we do most years. We doour very best to make sure that we do not compromise the positionof Methodism in any way in our events. In this case we, as everyoneelse involved, were deceived, and our sympathy goes to those whonot only lost a considerable sum of money but who were alsodisappointed in their hopes of receiving British citizenship.
Martin Turner.