26 October 2017
Gaza Statement by the President and Vice-President
The situation in Gaza continues to capture our attention andprompt our compassion. It is time now to pray. This year'sConference directed the Methodist people to the resolutions of the2010 Conference. One of those resolutions commended all the peoplesof the region to the care of Almighty God and urged the Methodistpeople to engage in regular, informed prayer for the needs of theLand of the Holy One. As President and Vice-President of theConference, we call all Methodists to that urgent task.
We are not alone in doing so. Christian Aid have provided aprayer for the region; an appeal for funds to help in thesituation; and a call to sign a letter to the ForeignSecretary asking for Britain to take some action. These can befound at
A prayer:
Holy God,
holy and strong in love,
holy and immortal.
have mercy on us and on all in the land called holy.
Where fear brings despair, let there be hope.
Where the urge to defend others brings violence, let there belove.
Where the causes of conflict and the means of reconciliation arebeyond our comprehension
may the peace of the Lord, which passes all understanding, guideeveryone's hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus. Amen.
The Revd KennethHowcroft, President of the Methodist Conference
Mrs Gill Dascombe,Vice-President of the Methodist Conference