
Highlights of the Methodist Conference

The Methodist Conference 2024 will occur at the Royal Armouries and New Dock Hall, Armouries Way in Leeds from 27 June until 3 July 2024.

25 June 2024

Induction of new President and Vice-President

Saturday 14:15
The Methodist Conference will induct the Revd Helen Cameron to serve as President and Mrs Carolyn Godfrey to serve as Vice-President.

Reception into Full Connexion and Conference Worship

Sunday 10:45
Reception into Full Connexion of deacons and presbyters will take place during Sunday morning worship. Ordination services will take place at local churches during the afternoon.  The ordination services are ticketed, details on the Methodist Church website.

Online Church and Online Communion

Monday 9:15
This report follows the Conference’s direction last year to report to the 2024 Conference with further recommendations regarding predominantly online churches in the light of the period of discernment with respect of online communion. This report considers resourcing for online missions, office holders, pastoral care and safeguarding, online communion and ecumenical issues.

God For All: The Connexional Strategy for Evangelism and Growth

Strategic Update and Renewal (2025-2032)
Monday 16:45
Following the ‘God For All: The Connexional Strategy for Evangelism and Growth’ report received by the Conference of 2020, this update offers clarification on how the ‘God For All’ strategy is shaping the life, understanding, mission, and witness of the Methodist Church and its people, especially in the areas of evangelism, pioneering and planting, discipleship, and missional growth and leadership. The report is expected to call on the Conference to reaffirm the strategy from 2025 and towards 2032, the centenary of the Deed of Union.

The Beckly Lecture

Monday 18:45 (at venue and online)
What would it take to end poverty in the UK? Building connections, breaking chains, and making food banks history?
Emma Revie, CEO of the Trussell Trust, and Val McKie, a Trussell Trust lived experience partner.

Churches play a major part in the Trussell Trust’s network of food banks across the UK. In this lecture, we will explore what it might look like for Christians to contribute to building a future without the need for food banks, together with others.
The Beckly Lectures – Joint Public Issues Team (jpit.uk)

Review of Part 11 of Standing Orders

Tuesday 9:15
This report builds upon the work already undertaken to drive forward improvements in the Church Complaints and Discipline processes (Part 11). Since August 2023, an external consultant has assisted a dedicated Task Group and the Council to bring forward recommendations to the Conference. The recommendations to be presented aim to ensure that the tenet and principles of the Complaints and Discipline processes have been retained, and the core values of seeking reconciliation whilst the provision of support to those impacted by complaints is enhanced.

Christian Aid renewed partnership

Tuesday 13:00

The Methodist Church in Britain and Christian Aid have renewed their partnership agreement, in order to deepen their joint work to “overcome global injustice and poverty.” The agreement will be signed at Tuesday Lunch time.


Tuesday 14:15
A report on singleness in the life of the Church offering biblical insights, theological resources and reflecting on singleness in Methodist history. The report will also offer recommendations and practical guidance for churches offering inclusion and avoiding unhelpful assumptions.

3Generate – The voice of children and young people of the Methodist Church in Britain 2023

Tuesday 16:45
Delivered by Thomas Hart, Methodist Youth President 2023/2024, this report details 3Generate, the Children and Youth event that took place at the NEC Birmingham last year.  Matters considered by the young people included accessibility and the culture of inclusivity in the Methodist Church along with justice, welcome, environment, community, fellowship and connecting with God.

50th anniversary of the ordination of women as presbyters

The Methodist Church in Britain is proud to mark this year’s 50th anniversary of the ordination of women as presbyters.

The anniversary will be celebrated at the Methodist Conference with a specially written prayer included during the Sunday service and a new short film featuring four female ministers. The preacher in the Presbyteral Session is the Revd Ruth Gee, a former President of the Conference (2013). She was invited to preach by the current President Gill Newton to mark the anniversary. The Bible that was presented on the 40th anniversary will be on display throughout the Conference.