26 October 2017
Joint Statement by the Bishop of Durham and the General Secretary of the Methodist Church
Against the background of a considerable increase insafeguarding policy-related work at national level, our twoChurches have been discussing how this can best be resourced overthe coming period. We remain committed to joint working onsafeguarding across both our churches. Some changes are, however,now needed in the light of new demands.
The Church of England has decided to recruit a full-time NationalSafeguarding Adviser. The recruitment process will start inSeptember with a view to having the new appointee in post early inthe New Year. He or she will lead the growing National Safeguardingteam within the Central Secretariat of the Archbishops' Council.Its role will be to serve the National Church Institutions and thedioceses of the Church of England with advice and support onnational safeguarding policy, training and practice guidance.
In the interim period, Jill Sandham will continue to act asInterim National Safeguarding Adviser until Christmas 2014, withSimon Payne as Acting Head of Delivery. Other project work is beingcarried out on a short-term basis over the coming months whilst theAdviser is being recruited.
As a result of these new arrangements, the present joint post ofNational Safeguarding Adviser to the Methodist Church and Church ofEngland will cease after the 3 month notice period has expired on23 October 2014. The current post-holder, Ms Elizabeth Hall,remains on long term sick leave. She continues to be employed bythe Methodist Council.
The Methodist Church will continue with its own SafeguardingAdviser and will review permanent staffing arrangements after theMethodist Conference of 2015 has debated the recommendations of itsPast Cases Review. Hilary Walker will take up the post of InterimConnexional Safeguarding Adviser from 1 September 2014.
The Church of England and the Methodist Church remain fullycommitted to covenant working on safeguarding. A representative ofthe Methodist Church will be involved in the selection of theChurch of England's new National Safeguarding Adviser, and theperson appointed will be required to work closely with theMethodist Church as part of their conditions of employment. Jointworking will also continue through the Methodist/Church of EnglandJoint Safeguarding Liaison Group and its successor body and jointwork in other areas such as the theology of safeguarding, themanagement of joint events and training and other majorprojects.
As the joint arrangement comes to an end, we would like to takethis opportunity to pay tribute to the enormous and valuablecontribution made by Elizabeth Hall and her predecessor, PearlLuxon to the work of the Methodist Church and the Church of Englandin this vital area. They have been ably assisted in this work bytheir Safeguarding Team Coordinator, Marilia Rocha, and members ofboth Churches' safeguarding teams.
We hope that the new arrangements will enable both Churches tomove forward together to serve this vital part of the Churches'mission and to protect the most vulnerable in our society.