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The Methodist Youth Conference is urging the Church toprovide greater support for vulnerable young people, to encourageaction on climate change and to engage more with young people onissues of faith and sexuality. Received today by the MethodistConference, the report details all resolutions passed by YouthConference, with their recommendations to the wider Church.

The report was well received by the Conference, which resolved toencourage churches across Britain to have a month dedicated toaction on climate change and made a commitment to produce a policyon 'carbon best practice' for events held by the Church. The YouthExecutive also plans to produce a version of the Stern Report onthe Economics of Climate Change that is more accessible to youngpeople. Additionally, the Conference pledged to work consult andwork more closely with young people on issues of faith andsexuality.

Methodist Youth President, Rob Redpath, says "As young Christianswe're passionate about our faith, our world and about socialjustice. We hope that the month of action on climate change willencourage everyone in the Church to take the issue seriously andthink about how our lifestyles affect the world around us. It'sabout being connected to God and connected to our world".

The report expresses continuing support for NCH's work withvulnerable families as well as young people & children in careor leaving care. It calls for the appointment of independentvisitors to work with churches & communities and for increasedlevels of support for victims of abuse, particularly youngpeople.

The annual Methodist Youth Conference brings together youngMethodists from across the UK celebrate, debate and discuss issuesthat matter to them about the Church and the wider world. Theirreport to the Methodist Conference gives them the opportunity tomake their voices heard, influencing the decisions taken there.Past Youth Conference initiatives include Face 2 Faith; a month ofprayer for improved relations between people of different faithsand the inclusion of special prayers for revival in Methodistworship throughout the year.