
Made for goodness - a JPIT report on the refugee crisis

The Joint Public Issues Team  has created a new briefing looking at the history and consequences of thecurrent humanitarian crisis and highlights four specific areas thatChurches can engage with and campaign on.


The briefing, "Made for goodness: A faithful response to therefugee crisis", provides context and information on the refugeecrisis, biblical reflection and suggestions for an effectiveresponse.

65 million people are now either a refugee, internally displacedor seeking asylum. That's one in every 113 people.

Bill Topping, Public Issues Team Member, said: "AsChristians, we have a key role to play in the upcoming months andyears, highlighting the ongoing plight of refugees and displacedpeople. We must affirm the case for a human response to the crisis,which recognises that we are all made for goodness, and that thehuman dignity of refugees is intimately connected to ourown."



The Joint Public Issues Team has combined expertise of theBaptist Union, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and theUnited Reformed Church in the area of public issues.