
Methodist Church addresses mental health concerns among young people

  • Launch of new resource to raise awareness about mental health issues

The Methodist Church has launched a series of mental health resources after young Methodists raised concerns that notenough was being done by the Church to help young people strugglingwith mental health issues.

The series was launched at the 3Generate Children and Youth Assembly at theweekend. Every young person at 3Generate received a copy of thecard aimed at their age group: "Taking Care of your Feelings" forthe under 12s, "Staying Mentally Healthy" for the 12 to 18 yearolds and "Staying Mentally Healthy" for the 18 to 30 year olds.There is also a fourth pamphlet for youth workers called "HealthyHeads".

Gill Dascombe, Vice-President of the Methodist Church,said: "As a pharmacist working in the NHS psychiatric services, Iam aware of the growing incidence of diagnosed mental healthproblems among children and young people. Many others struggle witheducational or peer pressures in our increasingly competitivesociety. These helpful cards have been produced to alert and informchildren, young people and youth workers of the dangers and earlywarning signs, and to signpost them to relevant mental healthorganisations." 

Mental health is an issue of growing concern amongchildren, young people and those who work with them. In response toconcerns raised by 3Generate, the Methodist Children and Youthteamed up with Young Minds to provide the series of fourage-specific cards. The leaflets are available to purchase on theMethodist Publishing website. The portable and pocket-sized cards areavailable in packs of ten and are priced £2.50 (plus p&p) perpack. Each card provides tips on how to stay mentally healthy andoffers information on where to get help.