Methodist Church celebrates inclusiveness on Racial Justice Sunday
The Methodist Church will share stories on being and becoming aChurch for all people when it celebrates Racial Justice Sunday onSeptember 9.
Over the past two years, the Church has focused on implementinga project called Belonging Together - a vision for unity in ethnicdiversity within the Methodist Church. The project has involvedengaging with a range of people and groups within and connected tothe Church across Methodist districts, training institutions andthe Connexional Team.
As the project enters its final year, the Revd Katei Kirby, theBelonging Together partnership officer, said: "Historically, theMethodist Church in Britain has demonstrated its commitment tothose people who wider society may have excluded or marginalised.Through Belonging Together, the Church is seeking to establishbetter ways to affirm, bring together and celebrate people of allbackgrounds in its activities and opportunities."
The Belonging Together project is bringing the Methodist Churchcloser to social and theological inclusiveness. As part of itsresearch, the Church is recording the experiences of people fromdifferent ethnic backgrounds coming forward for leadership,improving the induction and training support of overseas ministersjoining the Methodist Church in Britain and mapping the diversityof Church membership.
The theme for this year's Racial Justice Sunday is "being aninclusive Church." Churches Together in Britain and Ireland hasproduced a