Methodist Church lends support to Christians in North Korea
Many people aren't aware that there are Christians in NorthKorea, let alone that The Methodist Church has been working withthem.
This month, The Fund for World Mission will grant £5,000 to helpthe Church in North Korea run a food production company to helppeople there.
The Methodist Church in Britain will be joining in the Global Dayof Repentance and Prayer for North Korea on January 14, using Day22 of the Prayer Handbook.
Steve Pearce, Partnership Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific,said: "Times are particularly hard for all the people of NorthKorea at the present time. The North Korean population is cut offand isolated from the rest of the world and dependent on the regimefor their needs. Food is scarce for many - there are problems inthe supply of humanitarian aid.
"Christianity is treated as 'a bad element' in this socialistcountry. Christians have been beaten, arrested, tortured, or killedbecause of their religious beliefs but local sources estimates thenumber of underground Christians to be at least 200,000, maybe manymore, and many of them are imprisoned for their faith.
"Raids are made regularly, both in North Korea and China, to arrestrefugees and those helping them."
The British Methodist Church and the Ecumenical Forum for Peace,Reunification and Development on the Korean Peninsula have beendeveloping common projects with Church representatives from Northand South Korea, North America and Europe.
Loving God, who cares for each of us on this varied and fragileplanet, We pray for your people in North Korea and ask that theymay be fed and warm this winter. We give thanks for our partnershipwith the South Korea Methodist Church and the opportunity to workwith them in the Ecumenical Forum, for our opportunities to offerwhat help we can through the Fund for World Mission. and for thefaith of Christians in North Korea. We ask for your hope and loveto grow throughout the Korean Peninsula, Through Jesus Christ ourLord, Amen.
Website of the Korean Methodist Church