26 October 2017
Methodist Churches to bring life and healing this Easter
- Download and order resources here
Kanja is a 30 year old woman living with HIV in Kenya. She livesin one room with her HIV-positive husband, a peasant farmer. Theyhave two daughters, a four-year old(also HIV-positive) and aten-month-old.
Following routine testing, Kanja was found to have cervicalcancer and was scheduled for a hysterectomy. Despite includinginsurance covering most of her costs, Kanja still had to pay anadditional £110 for the operation - a sum of money she and herhusband could only dream of.
Thankfully, money donated in Britain covered the shortfall.
"We need to keep Kanja alive, as a person and child of God inher own right, but also as a mother who needs to care for her twoyoung children - one with HIV and one who, we hope, will have afuture without HIV through preventative treatment," said Dr ClaireSmithson, a mission partner working as an HIV/Aids doctor at theMaua Methodist hospital in Kenya. "We need mothers like Kanja tostay healthy, bring up their children and reduce the numbers oforphans in countries like Kenya."
The 2015 Easter Offering dedication service draws inspirationfrom the prophetic vision of the Tree of Life that produces leavesfor healing (Revelation 22:2). All of the funds raised in theservice offerings will go towards the work of the Church's WorldMission Fund, to support work with people like Kanja all over theworld.
The worship resources are free to download, or can be ordereddirect from Methodist Publishing
The service has been written by a small task group of MethodistWomen in Britain (MWiB), led by former MWiB President, Jill Baker."It has been exciting to work on this year's service," said Jill."We have three stories of remarkable work of healing andreconciliation going on around the world, enabled through the WorldMission Fund, coupled with a mixture of old and new hymns andstirring bible passages. It would be wonderful if everyMethodist was able to share in this act of worship, which will alsobe shared through Twitter in the week after Easter."
MWiB has also produced a series of reflections for each week inLent, linked to the Easter Offering and each based on the image ofa different tree. These can be found online