Methodist response to report on the Draft Climate Change Bill
Anthea Cox, Coordinating Secretary for Public Life andSocial Justice, has welcomed the publication of the Report of theJoint Committee on the Draft Climate Change Bill:
"We are pleased to see that this report raises many of the concernsthat we expressed in our joint submission to the consultation. Itparticularly addresses the concerns we raised about the target toreduce the UK's carbon emissions by 60% by 2050, and suggests thatthis figure may be inadequate to prevent the dangerous rising ofglobal temperatures. We're glad to see that this has been taken into account and hope that the Government endorses the proposals forenforcing such targets and providing clear lines ofaccountability.
"Climate change is something that affects us all, but some muchmore drastically than others and it is often the poorestcommunities worldwide that are most vulnerable. We are encouragedby today's report, but it is important to remember that we all needto take responsibility for how our lifestyles affect our planet andour fellow human beings. We are grateful that the Churches havebeen able to contribute to the consultation. The Methodist Church'songoing commitment is to support individuals, communities andorganisations in working to meet the immense challenges posed byclimate change."
The Methodist Church, The United Reformed Church, The Baptist Unionof Great Britain and The Religious Society of Friends made a jointsubmission to the consultation on the Draft Climate Change Bill.The submission emphasised the urgent need for action and called forjustice for those most likely to be adversely affected by climatechange.