
Methodist Youth Assembly, 3Generate, sells out one month before event

Tickets have sold-out for the annual Methodist Childrenand Youth Assembly, 3Generate, weeks before the event. The annualgathering of children and young people in the Methodist Church isset to take place at Whitemoor Lakes Centre in Lichfield over theweekend of 16 to 18 November. All 250 places available have nowbeen booked, making 3-Generate a sell-out event.

Hayley Moss, Methodist Youth President, said: "We arereally excited that the event is so popular, it is shaping up to bean inspirational time for everyone involved.  We have hadgreat feedback from previous events and the huge interest we havehad this year shows that young people really value and appreciatecoming to 3Generate and being part of the MethodistChurch."

The Lichfield venue is provisionally booked for next year,but organisers will reassess whether they need to book a biggervenue closer to the time. People eager to attend next year's eventare being encouraged to register their interest  now, although doing so will not guarantee a place. The date fornext year's assembly will be the first weekend in November with thepossibility of extending into a three-day event (Friday to Sunday).Anyone keen to get a place should register their interest before 1December.

For people who missed out on a place this year, there arestill ways to engage with what's happening. Twenty day delegateplaces have been arranged for each age-group stream, with theprovision that those who take them make their own arrangements foraccommodation. A list of accommodation is available on request fromthe 3Generate team.There are also a few places available for volunteers at the eventand for those in the 18-23 age stream. 

People can follow the event via the  Twitter stream #3Generate or via  Facebook. The 3Generate Big Sleepover packs will be expandedthis year, enabling young people from across the Connexion toengage with the issues raised at the event in their churches andyouth groups. These will be available on the website by February intime for half-term. There is a new  event pack available to give advice to churches on how toput on their own version of 3Generate. 

There are still spaces available at the SportsConsultation in Manchester on October 30. This event is open to young people aged 8 to23-years-old and the booking deadline has beenextended.