
Methodist youth to celebrate last Breakout of its kind

This July will see the last Breakout event of its kind, at CliffCollege in Derbyshire from 9-11 July.

This year's theme is 'Connect', encouraging young people to connectwith God, with each other, and with the world. The programmeincludes worship, comedy, sports, music, dance and workshops, andthe 'well' - a new venue for youth workers to escape, chill out,meet new people and share resources and ideas.

"This is the end of an era," said Mike Seaton, Director of Childrenand Youth. "Breakout is part of a proud 65-year history of youthfestivals, at which we've had a unique opportunity to share theChristian message in a relevant way with tens of thousands of youngpeople. But it is time for something new. We'll be building on thebest of Breakout and weaving it into new formats so that theMethodist Church continues to be at the forefront of supporting andengaging young people in life of the Church. This year's Breakoutis going to be a massive celebration, a prayerful "thank you" toGod and the hundreds of volunteers who've worked hard to make ithappen over the years."

The early-bird ticket deal of £65 has now been extended forbookings until 25 June, and those who need financial assistance maybe able to apply for funds from their local Methodist circuit ordistrict. For more information the event, or to learn more aboutthe MAYC London Weekend and Breakout, visit www.breakout2010.info.

The Church's Children and Youth Team is now embarking on its newfive-year 'Connect' strategy, which will focus on seven key themes:valuing children and young people; thinking, talking and being withGod; being 21st Century Church; supporting youth and children'sworkers; teaching and challenging; participation, and speakingout.