
Methodists win at the Blog Awards

Two Methodist weblogs received awards at this year's ChristianWeb and New Media Awards.

The Revd David Perry won the award for Best Christian Blog and ThePresident and Vice President's blog came runner up in the MostInspiring Leadership Blog category at a ceremony in London onFriday.

David Perry's blog (www.davesdistrictblog.blogspot.com)combines his stunning photography with spiritual reflections. "Likethe colourful flower, my images attract traffic to the blog which Imight not otherwise get," said David, who is Chair of the Lincolnand Grimsby Methodist District. "What I hope is true is that allleave with a little bit of incidental gospel pollen clinging tothem. Even one tiny grain of grace, love and hope gathered here bychance in something seen or read might be a God-given gift tosomeone who needs it."

The President and Vice President's blog (www.methodist-presandvp.blogspot.com),documents the travels and experiences of the President and VicePresident of the Methodist Conference, as they spend a yearvisiting Methodists around the UK and much further afield.

The Original Christian Web and New Media Awards were the first everexclusively Christian award ceremony for bloggers and web designersin the UK. They were established in 2007 by Premier Christian Mediato recognise and reward Christian achievements on the internet. Formore information, visit www.christianblogawards.com.

Hi res images of Methodist President Revd David Gamble and RevdDavid Perry at the awards are available from the Methodist mediaPhotostream: www.flickr.com/photos/methodistmedia.