26 October 2017
An update from the Methodist Ministers' Housing Society
It is with deep sadnessthat the Methodist Ministers' Housing Society announces the suddendeath on 29th September 2017 of the Chair of its board, DebbieFaulkner MBE, at age 55.
Debbie joined the board in 2009, eventually assuming the role ofChair. Over the years, she served the Society conscientiously, andwillingly shared her professional expertise as a human resourcesprofessional.
The Society - which meets the housing needs of retired Methodistpresbyters and deacons of limited means - had helped Debbie'sparents find a home for their retirement. Her late father Rev TonyBullock had served Methodist churches across southern England. Itwas that family background of conscience and compassion thatcompelled Debbie towards a life of service.
Debbie met her husband-to-be Cliff at the Methodist Associationof Youth Clubs. The couple married at Sandhurst in 1981. They had adaughter, Lizzy, who herself had a daughter, Ruby, earlier thisyear. Ruby was a source of delight to Debbie.
It was when Debbie was working at the Fire Service College -from 1988 to 2012 - that others noticed her caring attitude. Herboss put her name forward for an MBE for her work with the fireservice, the community and charity. The Prince of Wales presentedher with the honour at Buckingham Palace.
Debbie was a school governor for more than ten years. She raisedfunds for several other charities such as World Vision, Samaritan'sPurse and Action for Children. An active member ofShipston-on-Stour Methodist Church, Debbie took on the role ofchurch council secretary, preparing and delivering acts of worshipand helping lead a monthly café church service.
The thoughts and prayers of all the board members and staff ofthe Society are extended to Debbie's family and friends. She willbe greatly missed.
The Revd Gareth J Powell, Secretary of the Methodist Conferenceadded: "A great many individuals across the wider Connexion havecause to be grateful for the care and insight with which Debbieserved as a Board member for many years - and latterly as Chair -for the Methodist Ministers' Housing Society. We give thanks to Godfor Debbie, for her life and ministry, and we hold Debbie's familyand friends in prayer."
Pictured is Debbie Faulkner with her MBE (Photo: