
Girls' Brigade Ministries - New film encourages conversation around mental health


koko, a multi-award winning blog for teenage girlsinitiatied by the Girl's Brigade, has just launched a new filmlooking at mental health.

The film, calledResilient,looks at some of the issuessurrounding mental health by sharing the experiences of two youngwomen.

koko Project Co-ordinator Meg Cannon said: "There's a realgentleness and simplicity about this short film, but it packs aserious punch!

"We really believe that it has the potential to bring a sense ofhope and encouragement to those facing challenges with their mentalhealth."


The film was launched at a Girls' Brigade England & Wales(GB) conference earlier this month. The launch, on Saturday 4 March2017, was part of a special session looking at how GB leaders canturn up the volume of hope on mental health - led by Nathan Jones,Founding Director of Teens in Crisis (TIC+), based inGloucestershire.

Meg added: "Our hope is that this film will be used to continuethe important conversation surrounding mental health."


The film can be seen on the kokowebsite or via YouTube.

Everything on the innovative koko site, a mission initiativefrom Girls' Brigade Ministries, is created with teenage girlsfirmly in mind to help them explore life together - inspiring,challenging and encouraging them - and looking at tough issues suchas self-harm, bereavement, friendship, and identity.

koko stands for Keep On Keeping On and you'll find it at www.thekokostory.com, as well as on Twitter and Facebook.