26 October 2017
New Legacy Appeal encourages Methodists to celebrate life
The Methodist Church in Britain has launched a
In the video, Rachel says: "I was born into the MethodistChurch. It has nurtured me in my faith. It has taught me so muchthat's important: about being a good neighbour, learning to forgiveand about helping people in practical need as well as working forjustice.
"What I leave behind in my will enables what I hold dear in mylife to continue after I've gone."
The Methodist Church in Britain facilitates a wide range ofchurch-led projects across the world, as well as supporting itsmembers and church buildings. Hermira Nelson-Okrafor, FundraisingManager, added: "Through prayer, participation and financialgiving, the Church has helped - and continues to help - hundreds ofprojects.
"One recent example is the erection of the new Annie DouglasHouse at Cliff College, providing 18 en suite rooms and a seminarspace for students at the college, funded in part through generouslegacy giving.
"In this Legacy Appeal, we're encouraging people to consider agift in their will as an extension of their personal giving; a wayto continue supporting one's passions long after death.
"Any legacy is an act of great generosity, no matter how big orsmall. If you're considering supporting the Methodist Church inGreat Britain through your will, we'd love to hear from you."
- For more information and to receive your free personalisedLegacy Pack visit the website
www.methodist.org.uk/legacy or contact Sue on 020 7467 5251 or leavealegacy@methodistchurch.org.uk. - Both a long and short version of the Legacy Appeal film areavailable to watch or download from the
Methodist Church Vimeo page. - Fundraising Manager, Hermira Nelson-Okrafor, is available forinterview. You can reach her on
nelson-okraforh@methodistchurch.org.ukor 020 7467 3531 - Promotional Legacy leaflets can be ordered for your church freeof charge from
the Methodist Publishing website.