

28 June 2023

New presbyters and deacons were ordained on Sunday 25 June 2023 as part of the Methodist Conference currently being held in Birmingham. 
During the Sunday Worship thirteen presbyters and four deacons were received into Full Connexion with the Conference, along with ten presbyters by transfer, and one presbyter by reinstatement and transfer when they were presented to the members of the Methodist Conference and to its President and Vice-President.

The ordinations are a highlight of the Conference week. Having been received into Full Connexion on Sunday morning, presbyters and deacons travelled to nearby Coventry with their families and friends for the afternoon where the diaconal ordinations took place at Coventry Central Hall and the presbyteral ordinations were held at Coventry Cathedral.

sarah-butcher-3Among those who were welcomed was Sarah Butcher from Cheshire who was finally fulfilling her ambition to become a minister. “One night in February 2015. I had a vivid dream where I awoke in my bed, but it was light outside. Then I heard a voice loudly repeating, "go into ordained ministry.” I was stunned! I checked if my husband had said anything, or heard anything, but he hadn't.”

“The service on Sunday was the culmination of years of slowly working towards ordination. It was amazing and very moving.

“For me, the best moment was when the congregation gathered and were asked whether they believed and trusted that we are, by God's grace, worthy to be ordained. Having hundreds of people affirm of all us ordinands that "they are worthy!" was deeply moving. It reminded me of the support, love and encouragement so many people have shown me through my ministry so far.”